EM Isolation Analysis with PeakView®

EM isolation analysis focus on the EM design and simulation techniques related to couplings and isolations techniques. The EM isolation noise floor defines the lowest coupling value that EM tools can capture without losing numerical accuracy or physical meaning. PeakView® achieves up to -130dB as the maximum EM isolation noise floor. 

PeakView®’s EM Isolation Analysis 

EM Isolation Noise Floor

    • The EM isolation noise floor is mostly controlled by engine data resolution and solving accuracy loss. PeakView® has achieved a high-quality EM isolation noise floor thanks to enhancements in data resolution and EM solving accuracy
        • Data resolution: Green’s function, numerical integral, single/double-precision compression, etc. 
        • EM Solving accuracy: round-off errors, iterative solver loss, etc. 
    • Peakview achieves -110dB for the EM isolation noise floor with the default settings of HCS and FlatLEM engine, and -130dB as the maximum EM isolation noise floor.

EM Isolation Analysis with PeakView® Combo Cell

    • PeakView®’s Combo Cell allows the user to include a variable for the X and Y offsets, which can be parameterized to accurately identify the right separation between passives to match EM coupling specifications. 
    • In compact designs, passives are positioned close to other passives. With the Combo Cell, users can adjust the parameters (trace width, spacing, metal layer, etc) of both devices considering the interaction between them.

Other EM Isolation Analysis Techniques 

    • Traditionally, EM analysis for multiple-port structure can be done through circuit test bench, but this procedure is inefficient, the user gets no visualization, and the insight in EM is limited.
    • PeakView® provides powerful built-in formulas to apply single-ended and differential excitation while probing parameters such as coupling coefficient K(1,2,3,4) and mutual inductance M(1,2,3,4).  
    • “EM/Visualization Post-processing” allows the processing of simulated EM data within PeakView®. Users can further analyze EM coupling with different boundary condition such as common mode and differential mode. 
    • PeakView® integrates a 3D visualization tool with animation features, which exploits user’s design verification capabilities, where induced current density may highlight high EM coupling points in the design layout.  
    • Besides increasing the design separation distance, other EM Isolation design techniques can be explored such as the application of guard rings, grounding structures, patterned ground shields, and NTN/BFMOAT process structures.


    • LD20728_EM Ground and Boundary Conditions in mmWave IC Designs
    • LD20052_PeakView EM Isolation Analysis and Noise Floor
    • LD21678_PeakView Combo Cell Application Note
    • LD14991_PeakView Advanced LEM for BFMOAT/NTN Effects

For Application Notes requests, please contact: support@lorentzsolution.com

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